Rooster hates you, we judge you.

Friday, October 26, 2007

DOMBs around the world - McGOVERN'S

DOMBs around the world:

McGovern’s Tavern, Newark, NJ

McGovern’s has been a favorite law school hangout since our 2nd or 3rd week of school way back when we were 1Ls. How did we discover it? Well an older student took us of course. Technically, McG’s is a Rutgers bar. But Rutgers sucks. And we owned it on Thursday nights. And still own it today.

Things that make McGovern’s a great bar:
Ranked one of the 100 best bars in America by Esquire Magazine
Owner/manager/bartender nice guy who puts up w/ CERTAIN people calling him the
wrong name for like 7 months… but always takes care of his regulars
Official beer pong table (with lined inserts for the cups and everything)
Good deals on booze (for the east coast at least)

Things that make McGovern’s a dirty old man bar:
Never any darts for the dartboard
Most modern songs on the jukebox from 1995
People bring their own darts
Go in at lunch. Dirty old men (professors) drinking
Also a cop hangout – cops who like to hit on busty, smurflike blonde girls
Usually vomit in the bathroom and/or on the sidewalk outside
Only one big screen, not HD
Usually not open on the weekends
They have a band. And by band… I mean one guy… w/ a guitar and background music.
Effectively they have an official karaoke singer. Who sucks. And has his own banner.

McGovern’s, as a dirty old man bar, falls at the opposite end of the spectrum from our previous bar, Pia’s. It has the feeling of an old DOMBy Irish pub… but college kids hang out there. Still… for anyone visiting Newark (the brave souls)… I highly recommend it. Some of my favorite law school memories have taken place there…. As Newark aficionados, we need to keep McGovern’s in our hearts, and on our barcrawl lists… especially since the new Prudential Center bars are opening downtown. Remember… new bars will come and go… but DOMBs last a lifetime. Just ask the 80 year old man who’s been sitting on the same stool since the Second World War.

Keep McGovern’s in your heart… even though Scully’s is owned by the same people and may be awesome… it’s not McGovern’s.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Bachelor Blog - Episode 4

OK... so I'm watching this one online right before the new episode tonight... so here are some brief thoughts:

1) I still really like Brad... but I think he's a little awkward w/ the cameras. On the one on one date with Phoenix Suns dancer... he actually said "come here to me please" before he made out w/ her. He's a good TV kisser though... doesn't appear to be eating her face.

2) Bettina made a shaving pubes joke at improv. I'm really uncomfortable... I hope he was too. Hillary was great. Small mouth acupuncturist freaked out cause she's awkward and not funny. Cries again. If she gets a rose, my theory that Brad is scared of girls crying is proved. Steffi called that too - I think I may like her the best now. Esp since McCarten turned into a giant bitch. Pubes girl (Bettina - formerly divorce girl) got the rose. I smell a Bevin. She seems crazy.

3) 2 on 1 date. Last weeks bitchy Jade (with the bad bangs) goes with HUGE bitch Dee Dee (her accent is out of control, btw). I'm already entertained by this and it's still the commercial. WOW the interrupting each other starts right away. Also why are both the girls wearing aprons before food is even served? Meanwhile - back at the house... divorced/pubes girl tells the others about divorce, and they call her a used car whose tires need to be kicked. They're sweet. It's time to send one of the mean girls home - Jade goes home. So the tag team of evil that is Dee Dee and McCarten stay around. Awesome. Evil people make TV shows exciting.

4) Rose ceremony - Brad thinks Kristy is too refined for him. YES... he's a party boy. I'm going to crash the 'after the final rose' show and steal him for myself. Sheena almost cries... and holds it back. I REALLY enjoy her. They find out that Jenny got the first kiss. Everyone else thinks she's a whore. Whatever it's just a kiss... chillax. McCarten plays the cry card. I think for next season's Bachelor Blog, I'm going to make an excel spreadsheet of the girls when they cry, when they say "let my guard down," or "here for the right reasons" and when they go home - see if I can find some sort of correllation. It could be a sociological study - as this blog always is (but you, our loyal readers, already know that). Tonight Bettina appears especially tan. And by tan, I mean orange. McCarten and Steffi go home. Both preseason MVPs. I judge myself on my picks for this one. Don't really care about McCarten, cause she's bitchy - she also says that she still sees Brad as the father of her children (this is after he dumped her, by the way - I smell Fatal Attraction.) Steffi is awesome. She's the prettiest and seems down to earth. She will be missed. As of now... I want Sheena to win. Viva la blondes.

Live blog for the next episode. Get excited.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Bachelor Blog - Episode 3

Oh! Date 3 and Phoenix Suns girl has already asked him to go long distance so she could finish out her season, because she wants to be the person she falls in love with. I think the official scaring off has begun. This show is like more effective than “The Rules” for what not to do with men I think.

First official negative points for Brad. He mentions that he feels like the king of the world, “Like that kid from Titanic.” Judge him a little for this… but still enjoy him overall. At the circus date, one girls screams WAY too much. Can’t tell who it was but I hope he gets rid of her. I may go deaf.

So it’s the standard pretty woman million dollar jewelry date with Hillary. Judging by the look on her face, Jade may stab her in her sleep tonight. And Hillary cries before dinner even starts, and basically tells him she wants to settle down, and he has to hug her and make her feel better. Chill out please. But he seemed to sort of like it. HMMMMMMMM. Isn’t that against the rules? I need to reevaluate this. Now the cry count is up to 2 on this date, cause she really wants to love someone. I’m uncomfortable watching this. She needs to level out. Perhaps some medication is in order. Hang on... pity rose is given and a makeout. Shows that boys really can’t handle when girls cry. If she can carry this crying all the way to the proposal… I am not going another week of my life without crying in front of a boy I like. Or even think is cute. If it can work for this creepy chick, it can work for me.

So far, no idea if my preseason MVP picks will work out, but after watching Solisa give him a lapdance, I’m pretty confident in my preseason whore pick.

First girl to say she was in love is Bettina, divorced girl. On a jet ski. Not even face to face. On the third date. Wonder why she rushed into the marriage the last time.

Rose goes to Kristy the acupuncturist from Chicago. She seems actually pretty boring. And has a strangely small mouth. But despite bad impressions from the first episode, I might grow to like her.

Twin doesn’t have great teeth. But I still think he’s pretty cute. He’s married tho. And he just got told if a girl pulls him aside into a room, he should go with it. So he may cheat on his wife with his twin's future wife. Awesome. Also their names are Chad and Brad. Of course. Not cheesy at all. First two girls have NO IDEA that it’s not him. Sheena figures it out. Good call on her part. I bet she makes it to the final four cause it seems the twin really likes her too. Sarah realizes something is different… but doesn’t catch he’s a twin. I really enjoy that the girls who figured it out didn’t tell the others, and just let them look like idiots… great times.

Bitch alert – Deanna and Jade.
Stereotype alert – the model didn’t figure out it wasn’t Brad, and looked like an idiot. Bartender didn’t figure it out either. Evidently, college degrees are important.

Rose handouts:
Sent home – the 2 girls who had no clue it wasn’t him, and the whoreish one, Solisa. So, sorry Brad, no more lapdances. “He did see the very special parts of me because I wear them on the outside (ahem…boobjob… ahem)… but he evidently didn’t like that part.” Back to the strip club, where they do appreciate what you wear on the oustide. Model is crying. She apparently loved him already, but whatever. 3 dates. Quit bitching. Move on.

This season seems somewhat more exciting than last, cause some of the girls are pretty evil, but I'm still wishing there were more drunken disasters. They make EVERYTHING more entertaining.

Thoughts on the Bachelor, Episode 2:

The bachelor can tell a lot by a woman by how much she bets. Yeah that’s great. Take girls who know you’re loaded and want to marry you and get them started gambling earlier. Awesome idea.

Girl falls down the stairs. I hope she was drunk. Otherwise it’s not funny or amusing. It is Michelle from New Jersey. So ugly and bad balance. Not good. Wow I’m a not nice person. She can’t go on the first date. I smell a Bevin.

I love that in a commercial preview they have a shot of Solisa (preseason whore) from the back, right after she takes off her swim suit. AND she has a tramp stamp. Of course. Even better, as they’re showing this, you hear her say – "I’m a Christian and I usually stick to my morals." OBVIOUSLY.

McCarten makes moves for the 1st kiss. HAHAHAHAH the bachelor just said “I can’t lie, it wasn’t good”…. Then he wipes it off. So apparently bad call on the preseason MVP.

Early rose to DeAnna. She busts out the “my 5 year boyfriend cheated on me.” Yet another addition to the preseason sob story. Girls go to bust up a possible kiss. I agree on this part. Reality love shows wouldn’t be anything w/out cockblocking.

For the beach date, Brad shows up in a wooden beach car. WAY better than the DeLorian. This guy could emasculate Andy from last season just by looking at him. The girls are trying way to hard to get his shirt off. It’s a little rape like. As is Solisa (whore) making him do a body shot. During the day. Not at a bar. Immediately before she tells him she’s a Christian w/ morals and strong values. Jesus loves body shots. It’s what he would do, of course. Off of fake boobs. Like Solisa’s. Who has a tramp stamp.

First official makeout goes to Jenni w/ the Phoenix Suns. DUH. Preseason MVP. But also kind of slutty. Whilst she’s making out, the other girls go through her stuff and find her modeling book. I’m now pegging her as a fantasy suite dater, who goes home after meeting the family. I now am really enjoying Sarah the happy girl - prediction: ending up at least in the final 2.

Bettina is divorced-girl. At least she’s cuter than Bevin. And got too scared to tell him. Whore who got in the pool on the first day basically demands him to make her breakfast in bed, and not have her have to work. Clearly golddigger award goes to this chick. Girl with the bad bangs (Jade) tries to jeopardize the other girls. Everyone is going to hate her I bet, but I see her going far in the competition. Remember Lacey from Rock of Love?

Brad just said "understatement". I think that is more syllables than Andy was able to say all season last year. Suffice it to say, no wonder Andy and Tessa are no longer together. She’s too smart for him.

AND girl who falls down the stairs does not get a rose. I want to say Brad is a dick for this, but I have to agree. Pool whore doesn’t get one either. Good.

The sluttiness factor on this Bachelor may be unprecedented… and previews say the Full House twin switch makes an appearance this week. Get excited.

Thoughts on the first episode of the Bachelor - sorry it's so late

It’s creepy that Chris Harrison keeps calling him “the sexiest bachelor ever.” Also, Chris just called him that to his face. Odds on a Chris-Bachelor makeout? PRETTY HIGH. Awkward.

Also, he’s not that sexy. Nice eyes tho. The fact that he’s a bar owner leads me to believe there will be some embarrassing drunkenness… which is always fun.

Identical twin? CLUTCH. I smell some Full House Olsen twins switches. Like it.

Ok the comments from the girl who is worried about being tall are getting old.

Walking out of the limo prejudgment/preseason picks.
Preseason MVPs – McCarten (weird name girls always go far. I think it’s cause it’s easier to remember them. Also enjoy the Phoenix Suns dancer. She’s smiley and had the cutest dress. Natalie the law student, but I could see in the side of her dress and her boob pads. Also think Jade has a shot. He seems to love commenting on people’s names, so the money is on him picking weird named girls. Also think chick from Argentina has a shot.
Preseason whores – Riginia “aka Miss Brown Sugar” slash armband tribal tattoo. Yuck. Julie without an E from the Windy City; Solisa from Austin. Fake boobs, nipples showing in formalwear. Gross
Preseason try too hard – Girl in the supercute striped dress, Deanna – speaking greek Dbag; and the girl who broke her face; Susan girl in the poor fitting silver dress.
Don’t understand how she made the show? Michelle from NJ

This guy is growing on me. FAST.

First episode narrowing it down.
Preseason MVP – Phoenix Suns Jenni, Steffie from Argentina
Most amusing – Eye point webbed toes girl. He clearly thinks you are loser. I like that he just laughed at her behind her back. I am clearly in love w/ the Bachelor
Most desperate – Tongue reading Kristy the acupuncturist. Chick who gives him yellow rose, and sings him a horribly untalented song; journalist
Drunkest. Clearly boob girl who keeps saying sweet – Melissa (hilarious when she didn’t get a rose) I hope that they bring her back, or at least have open bar at the “after the final rose” show
Pretty dumb – Mallory “get in the pool and take off your pants?" Girl
Still don’t understand how they made the show – Jersey girl - you are not cute
Sob story of the year – Deanna and dead mom

Roses all handed out - preseason MVP gets first impression rose. I'm pretty good at guessing this stuff.

Dear Bio teacher – you’ve known him for like 2 hours. Stop crying.

Also, was this an all night party? It was dark when they arrived, and Chris said good morning before the rose handout. No wonder Melissa was drunk.

Big fan of the bachelor they picked this time. Seems like much less of an idiot than Andy last year. Also has a "McSteamy" from Grey's anatomy quality. NICE.

More updates to follow as i get caught up.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Important Announcement for our avid readers

Dear Avid Blog readers (all 5 of you... all of whom are family members. We are cool):

Due to your numerous requests, DJ Victorious and I will be resuming our Bachelor blog series. Apparently this season is less shitty than last, and even though Smurftastic has an ongoing Monday commitment (Monday Night Football)... we will be catching the Bachelor episodes online, and judging the classy women and man (and Chris Harrison) to our (and your) hearts content.

You are welcome.
Hugs and kisses,
