What up! Just in time for Thanksgiving, Smurftastic and her guest bloggers KSquizz and CaliCoop present the Top 10 Celebrities we'd most like to Hang Out with. Rules are simple. Celeb must be alive currently. Any sort of sex, hook up, or romantic interlude with said celebrity is off the table. This is a list of celebs we'd most want to hang out with without the prospect of boning, so choices picked to "hopefully make him fall in love with me" are out. KSquizz' picks first (yellow), then CaliCoop's (purple), then mine (yellow), comments in small font below. Leave your picks in the comments, cause that's where my honorable mentions will be. Enjoy.
KSquizz picks Lindsay Lohan - I am starting off the list with Lindsay Lohan. Irealize there will be some doubts about my first choice but hear me out. Don't worry, I am not one of those delusional Lohan fans who thinks she can magically transform herself back into Mean Girls
Lindsay. Lohan is a TRAINWRECK, and I LOVE IT. Could you imagine seeing her out for a night of drinking first hand? I'd watch as she hooks up with dudes while claiming to be in love with Samantha Ronson. I could her hold her blackberry as she tweets nonsense about loving
someone whose family hates you, her gross sister, and her mummy (shepretends she is British when she tweets which is amazing since she is from Long Island). I would get to drink and hang out with other celebrities in the VIP section while she goes to the bathroom every 20
minutes to powder her nose. Another plus, I would definitely bephotographed and even on, my worst day, next to Lohan, I would look amazing. Susan Boyle on her worst day would still look better thanLindsay. Final perk, getting to become famous for 15 minutes after selling my story to the tabloids.
CaliCoop says - "I don't even judge you for this pick because hanging out with Lindsay Lohan would be horrific and awesome all at the same time. Must say my biggest concern would be getting arrested though which I am wildly against."
Smurftastic says - "Fully support, and admire your boldness."
CaliCoop picks Chuck Lorre – hard to imagine how the creator of Two and Half Men and Big Bang Theory would not be awesome to hang out with. Although he’s slightly creepy looking so really hoping he’s a combination of Charlie Harper and Sheldon in real life … making him a remarkably self-assured, nerdy, smart ass, alcoholic … not sure you could get better.
Smurftastic says - "CaliCoop, CONSIDER YOURSELF JUDGED."
KSquizz says - "I have heard good things about Big Bang Theory so I judge less than Smurftastic, but Two and a Half Men? Yuck. No thanks."
Smurftastic picks Stephen Colbert – This was almost an honorable mention. I know he’s not at all like his Colbert Report character, and that’s why I love him. He has his pulse on everything going on in the world, and puts a sarcastic edge on it. If nothing else, my choices in this list should show that I heart sarcasm. Plus he’s high energy and outrageous. I would have no idea what to expect. He’s super smart, so I could learn a lot, but I’m slightly worried that he would make me feel like an idiot, and I hate that. However, the man looks good in a holiday sweater, and has a strong background in self-deprecating humor.
CaliCoop says "surprisingly didn't consider him but definitely agree with the pick. Even
if he isn't his crazy TV character he'd still make for super interesting company, although my fear would be he may make my head hurt for trying to be intelligent while hanging out."
KSquizz says "He must be awesome, but I feel as though I have no idea what the real Stephen Colbert is like and that would make me nervous about picking him."
KSquizz picks Alyssa Milano - I have wanted to be Alyssa Milano's friend since I was like 6 and Who's the Boss was on. She was so cool then, and I imagine still really cool now. I never watched Melrose Place, but I amdown to hear some gossip about Heather Locklear, Aaron Spelling, and whoever else. Also, she was a badder bitch than Shannen Doherty and got her thrown off Charmed. Also, Milano is a huuuuuuge sports fan,exhibited by her sports apparel line and her banging of lots ofbaseball players. I am also down to grab a beer and talk sports.
CaliCoop says "don't know much about her personally other than the sports apparel line she has which does have some really cute stuff, otherwise
my knowledge of her is limited to Who's the Boss where she was totally awesome."
Smurftastic says "I'm pretty indifferent to this pick. To be frank, if we're going Who's the Bo
ss, I'm more apt to pick Tony Danza or the crazy ginger grandma."
CaliCoop picks Matthew Perry – no matter what Matthew Perry has been in I have always found him hilarious and completely endearing. He was almost knocked out for the whole smoking bit, but was included because he surely has awesome stories from his years on Friends and druggie years. Additionally, if his tweets are anything like him in real life, we are soooo on the same page and I would absolutely require him to bring the new Super Mario Brothers for Wii during any of our bonding times. Plus the possibility for cameos by other favorites makes him a definite on my list.
Smurftastic says "Agreed. He was a thought for my list as well, but-for the fact he was just included in my long term celeb crush list, he'd be there"
KSquizz says "Solid pick. I like Matthew a lot, but I don't know
if he and I would have much to talk about."
Smurftastic picks Charlie Day – OK. I don’t know a lot abo
ut Charlie personally, but the fact that he is one of the creative minds behind It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is enough for me.

If I have even a quarter of the amount of fun they have on that show, it will be the greatest night of my life. I imagine a night with Charlie would involve some sort of hare brained scheme and a lot of laughs. The inappropriate and juvenile jokes would be flowing like the cheap domestic beer. Anyone who knows me knows I thrive in an environment of juvenile jokes and beer. Plus we can talk about when cats make too much noise. I hate that. Maybe we can knit some kitten mittons.
CaliCoop says "ehh can't really judge one way or another on this since I don't watch the show, although must admit the kitten mittons were pretty freaking awesome."
KSquizz says "Since I almost put Charlie on my list with the wholecast of Sunny. I agree he would be awesome. I imagine a lot of his
jokes would be self-deprecating, and you could probably get him to do
something wild at the bar. Wildcard, bitches!"
KSquizz picks Joss Whedon - It is about to get reeeeal nerdy up in here. I love Joss Whedon, to an unhealthy extent. For those unaware, Joss Whedon created Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Angel, Dr. Horrible's Sing A Long Blog, and Dollhouse (they can't all be winners). He has also
done some writing in the comic book, movie, and tv world. And is about to direct an episode of Glee. I am not lying when I say that Buffy the Vampire Slayer was one of my all time favorite shows. I
have a girl crush on Sarah Michelle Gellar that probably has more to do with the character Whedon created than SMG. Buffy, like most of his other shows, was both hilarious, action packed, and dramatic atthe same time. As an aspiring writer, I would love to pick his brain about all of the characters he created and how he did it. The more beers in me, the nerdier the questions would get for sure, and the hanging out might come to an abrupt end when he comes back from the
bathroom and finds me going through his cell phone for the numbers of Nathan Fillion, Neil Patrick Harris, and SMG, but it would be worth it.
Smurftastic says "I'm not anti Buffy, but I'm indifferent as to this pick"
CaliCoop says "I apologize in advice but I have a strong hatred for SMG ... not even entirely sure why I still harbor this hatred but I can't get rid of it. With that said anyone who directs Glee is a friend of mine."
CaliCoop picks JK Rowling – since Harry Potter characters don’t quite fit the criteria for the list I figured I’d go with the next best thing. Really hoping she can bring some HP memorabilia and possibly thrown away manuscripts so I can continue with my HP love affair. Also, highly enjoy that she keeps herself out of the spotlight and is really into philanthropy since she certainly has the money. Not sure what I could bring to the table in this pairing but ehh that’s life.
KSquizz says "I can't believe I didn't think of this. I love her. I would want to talk to her about writing until she got a restraining order. I also love that she is so rarely in the spotlight despite being a kagillionaire."
Smurftastic says "Solid pick... I bet she'd foot the bill for some excellent recreational activities."
Smurftastic picks Hugh Laurie – Dr. House is one of my favorite characters on television right now, and he is played by one of my favorite actors. In every interview, Hugh displays the biting British wit that shows he won’t let me get away with crap without being mocked, but he is also self-deprecating enough that he can take it as well as dish it out. He’s not afraid to have my back if things get rowdy (see him kicking that dude’s ass who tried to harass Colin Farrel after SNL one day), but he’s also not afraid to be goofy. Plus he seems incredibly intelligent without being smug. That’s a great quality for a celebrity BFF.
CaliCoop says "I do love House, didn't know about him kicking some guy's ass after SNL but that's pretty bad ass. Definitely a good pick, he'd probably be full of excellent shit talking which makes him automatically an awesome buddy."
KSquizz says "I saw one of his Emmy speeches. It was hilarious. I never would have thought of this since I don't ever watch House, but I approve."
KSquizz picks Kaitlin Olson - Originally, I was going to go with the whole cast of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but I decided the one I would most like to hang out with is Kaitlin Olson. I can appreciate being a guys' girl a lot, and I am always down to hang out with another one. I
am positive she is not a little priss because she married the creator of Sunny and because she likes to use the expression "It's the tits." Following her on twitter pretty much cemented her for me as the one I would most like to roll with. Plus, I have an appreciation
for blondes named Kaitlin.
Smurftastic says "She may be the coolest girl on TV right now. I originally had Tina Fey on my list but she got booted for NPH. Tina's not as legit cool as Sweet Dee tho, Kaitlin FTW."
CaliCoop says "as I mentioned before, I've never watched the show although I've heard wonderful things, however, I enjoy the reasoning so I'm sure she's the coolest."
CaliCoop picks Bob Harper – quite different from the others I see us working out and doin
g an intense yoga session for our hangout time. Not only is Bob on one of my favorite TV shows he is sooo incredibly hot and super upbeat, totally making him seem like he’d be a friend for life. Ultimately Bob would mean a more flexible fit and happy me.
Smurftastic says "I haven't the vaguest idea who that is, won't lie." [ed note, he's apparently the trainer from Biggest Loser.]
KSquizz says "Is this Bob the Trainer from Biggest Loser? If yes, I LOVE HIM! Though he would totally judge anything you ate while with him which would make it less fun. (At least for me.)"
Smurftastic picks Bobby Knight – As an alumni of the great University of Illinois, I’m technically supposed to hate Bobby Knight. But I don’t. I love him. I think he is hilarious and awesome, yet still am a little afraid of him. It’s the perfect storm. If you haven’t seen the outtakes from his golf videos, you need to watch them, and you will understand why I want to hang out with him so much. He’s a loose cannon. Yeah, he may through a chair at me, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take. In fact, I HOPE it happens. That would be the best day ever. A day hanging out with Bobby would involve lots of swearing, some unprovoked belligerence, the most competitive drinking games I’ve ever been a part of, an extreme growth in my college basketball knowledge, and a good healthy dose of grumpy old man. I foresee him getting more and more angry as I laugh at his grumpiness, which only makes me more entertained.
CaliCoop says "I judge a bit, although for the same reasons I love Sweet Lou I also fully understand. Not sure I'm a big enough person to risk having a chair thrown at me to be friends with him but the g
rumpy old man quality is highly underrated."
KSquizz says "My only concern about this is that he might throw a chair at you." [ed note, THAT'S THE POINT]
KSquizz picks Jason Segel - I imagine Jason Segel would be A LOT of fun to drink with. Mostly because he has time and time again demonstrated to me that he is hilarious. He really wins for writing Forgetting Sarah Marshall because I think it is the funniest of the Apatow produced
movies, and the parts that were based on Segel's life make me want to be his friend, especially his love of Muppets. I love Muppets. A lot. Again, I would also love to pick any successful writer's brain, butwith Segel I feel like a lot of the conversation would be quoting old movies and possibly getting him drunk enough to do something really stupid and/or embarrassing. I am down with either sort of night.
Smurftastic says "Excellent choice. Fully approve. Also thanks for reminding me that I forgot to include who will now become #2 on my list... my only problem with this is that I've seen Segel's wang, and it may make things awk"
CaliCoop says "I'm bummed I didn't add him to my list. I love Jason Segel. He seems like he'd have amazing embarassing stories to share and he's super cute in a non-sexual crush kinda way."
Cali Coop picks Kerri Walsh – cannot think of a more amazing female athlete. She’s absolutely one of the most dominant women athletes of our time and she grew up in the same neck of the woods as me. We could reminisce about Northern California, play with her baby, go to the beach, talk shit to each other about UCLA and Stanford and stare at her Olympic med
als. Doesn’t hurt her status either that I met her when she was playing college ball at Stanford and she was super nice and gracious.
Smurftastic says "Meh... not a volleyball fan, and probably would prefer Misty so I could ask her about DWTS, but at least you aren't judged for this one, with the caveat that I can think of more amazing female athletes... Christie Rampone for one... but we needn't bicker about that"
KSquizz says "I didn't know who she was until I read Abby's comment about Misty May. This is the blonde right? She seems cool, but all I know about her is what I saw in the Olympics."
Smurftastic picks Joel McHale – Joel McHale is an ideal choice because the man makes fun of celebrities for a living. If I could do that for a living, I would. He is smart, has a biting wit, and is quick on the uptake. He’s also not afraid of getting a little goofy, and I like that. The topics of conversation would be super entertaining, and I could see myself laughing all night.
CaliCoop says "LOVE LOVE LOVE him!! That's all I can say."
KSquizz says " I actually had Joel on my list for awhile, but I am a little concerned his success will make him too Hollywood."
KSquizz picks George Clooney - Like you wouldn't hang out with George Clooney Clooney is SO cool. He exudes cool in a way that so few actors do anymore. He knows everyone and has done everything at this point that he is like celebrity royalty, but yet always comes off as so down to earth and mildly self-deprecating. He is ridiculously charming. The reason I would like to hang out with him the most, though, is that he
is such a smart ass. I love that he pulls evil pranks on some of the biggest stars in Hollywood. He makes ridiculous statements to the press just to make himself laugh or poke fun at his friends. He seems like he would be such a hilarious, genuine guy. Sitting around at a bar, shooting the shit with him would be an amazing day. And you know he would pick up the tab.
Smurftastic says "see my #1"
CaliCoop says "can't argue with either of you on this one ... he is wonderful in so many ways but I imagine being his friend would be filled with fabulous destinations and never ending hilarity."
CaliCoop picks John Wooden – not only is John Wooden the most dominant college coach of all time, he’s the cutest old man ever. I’ve been obsessed with John Wooden ever since my first college basketball game at UCLA when I practically peeled my jaw from the floor after I walked by him signing autographs from his seat in Pauley Pavilion. Over my years at UCLA I became completely accustomed to seeing him at the games, however never came anywhere close to working up the guts to go over and talk to him much less get an autograph. However, for his 99th birthday, I did send him a card, which I'm sure I was more excited about then he probably was to get. No matter, a day hanging out with Coach Wooden would be filled with the most amazing stories ever.
Smurftastic says "sigh. AWESOME pick. Ever since I first started watching College Basketball, it was evident that he is a man to be adored. Got assigned his book in sports management class in college, kept it, and have read it at least 5 times since. He is awesome."
KSquizz says "I don't follow college basketball really until there are brackets to fill out so this is totally lost on me. But the mention of college basketball reminds me of Jay Bilas, and that makes me happy."
Smurftastic picks John McEnroe – Same reasoning as Bobby Knight, except instead of throwing chairs, he’d throw tennis rackets, and instead of teaching me about college basketball, he’d teach me about tennis. And he has a healthier dose of sarcasm than Knight. I appreciate that.
KSquizz says "There is nothing I can say about this one, I love it."
CaliCoop says "do enjoy me some Johnny Mac, although not sure he brings enough self-depreciation to the table to risk the head injuries from a tennis racket."
KSquizz picks Zane Lamprey - If you are unfamiliar with Zane Lamprey, rent a season of Three Sheets immediately. The concept of Three Sheets is that one guy travels the world, goes to exotic locations and drinks the local booze, local mixed drink, participates in the local drinking game, and gets hammered. He then wakes up the next day and tries the local hangover cure. Since it is Zane's job to drink, he is good at it and knows how to make it fun. He also has traveled the world so I
have no doubt he has a few stories to tell. This is also the most plausible on the list since he runs trips occasionally where he and a bus full of tourists will do bar crawls in a famous city. When I have
money it is so on the list.
CaliCoop says "didn't know who this was til your description because I definitely just saw a commercial for the new season of this show. Gotta say this is the coolest job ever so he's bound to be pretty cool in person."
Smurftastic says "no idea who this is, but want to befriend him immediately, or at least watch his show"
CaliCoop picks Joshua Jackson – almost not included because of the non-hookup stipulation, Josh still made the list because of my love of Mighty Ducks, Dawson's Creek and Fringe. I imagine our day would include lots of quacking and possibly some awkward staring. No matter Josh is half Irish, which makes him automatically awesome, and probably a super good drinking buddy. Also, while he is dating Diane Kruger I don’t find her completely repulsive and am a big fan of the National Treasure movies so she gets a pass.
Smurftastic says "Dude, if 'getting him to hook up with Smurftastic' is not on your agenda for this hangout, we are no longer friends."
KSquizz says "God, he is so awesome. I took him off the list because anyone I had a crush on would make for an awkward hang out, but I love it."
Smurftastic picks Kenny Chesney – People judge me for my sexual attraction to Kenny, but this has nothing to do with it. Hanging with Kenny would involve chilling on a boat/beach/barbecue, shooting the shit about football, and an all around chill time. No anger, no excessive shouting, no drama. Just rocking back and forth on an Old Blue Chair drinking rum and getting a tan. And THAT would be awesome. Especially with all the intensity I’m undergoing with most of my other picks.
CaliCoop says "before reading your reasoning in its entirety I will say I judge you, although after the wonderful picture you've painted of your hang out time I must say I might try to steal away on this hang out. Although I do not find Kenny hot anymore the man does know how to chill and as we all know I'm a sucker for a man who can play a guitar."
KSquizz says "I do judge you for your sexual attraction toKenny. But I am down with anyone who can hang out, be laid back, and drink. Just as long as he keeps his shirt on because his chest creeps me out."
KSquizz picks Clint Eastwood - Um hi, it's Clint Eastwood. Clint Eastwood is AWESOME. He is one of the old school, bad asses. He is also unbelievably cool. Plus, he is an amazing artist who talks about his craft with an unbelievable reverence without me wanting to punch him
in the face. Not that I would try. He also can be a crotchety old curmudgeon, and I love that too. He tore young Hollywood a new one in the recent GQ, and I loved and agreed with every word of it. I would love to get him going on a rant over a pint. Though honestly, with a face like that, he probably would only want whiskey.
CaliCoop says "kinda sad I haven't read that GQ article but totally agree this is a great pick. Clint Eastwood has managed to continue making great movies throughout his lifetime which very few actors can claim, and despite me being a little intimidated by him I'm sure he's a great guy if you have the balls to actually sit down and have a glass with him."
Smurftastic says "Oh crotchety old men, you are so awesome."
CaliCoop picks Tim Lincecum – recently labeled the one famous person I might die if I met, despite his messed up grill I super HEART Timmy. I love his long hair, I love his gangly body, I love his weird pitching style, I love that he’s from Bellevue, Washington … love love love him. Probably should have pent up hatred for him because he pitched against UCLA in the Pac-10 while I was at school there, but I don’t, instead just pissed I didn’t go to any of the Washington v. UCLA games those years. Plus, as evident from his recent drug trouble with the cops in Washington, he clearly needs a lawyer BFF who could challenge the legality of those search and seizures. Lastly and most importantly, Timmy gets bonus points for being teammates with Noah Lowry – the hottest baseball player ever.
Smurftastic says "Baseball. Whatever. I may be mistaken, but doesn't he have terrible hair? Also I don't know how to say his name, so I feel like we would not get on well."
KSquizz says "Ah, the Freak. I don't know much about him other than he would prob like to sit around all day listening to your number 2 pick, eating cheetos. He is a pretty awesome player though so I will defer to your judgment."
Smurftastic picks Bode Miller – This dude is awesome. First of all, we’d clearly hang out in some sort of ski lodge, which is an enormous bonus. Second of all, it is well documented that HE GETS AFTER IT, Olympic competition tomorrow be damned. And he doesn’t care what people think of him, which is another enormous bonus. Couple that with the fact that nearly every single ski bum I’ve met is super chill, and I think I have a recipe for a fantastic night, should I live to tell the tale.
KSquizz says " I legitimately have no idea who this is."
CaliCoop says " I absolutely judge you. This dude is a prick, ski lodges and bums are awesome but there are plenty of ski bums who aren't douche bags ... I'm thinking Johnny Moseley ..." [ed note - I don't care... he's awesome.]
KSquizz picks Liam Neeson - As an Irish person, I have a special respect for drinkers from the motherland. It is a way of life. Why not go drinking with an Irishman and watch a master at work? On top of that, why not go drinking with Michael Effing Collins himself? It helps that I have a totally platonic crush on Liam Neeson. He just seems light-hearted, bad ass, and hilarious at the same time. That is amazing to do. Plus, the accent. It wouldn’t even matter what he talked about, just that he and I were speaking to one another.
CaliCoop says "Love Liam Neeson. Loved his late wife as well. Also, in Taken he reminds me so much of how I picture my father that it just made me love him that much more. Absolutely great pick."
Smurftastic says "Platonic crush... is that how I've been feeling about Liam all these years? APPROVE."
CaliCoop picks Dave Matthews – maybe partially as a gift to My Gentleman Caller, must still admit that Dave would be one hell of a hangout buddy. Clearly not afraid to have a good time and a huge fan of impromptu random bad dancing, Dave seems like the perfect drinking partner. Dave gets major points for his roles in Adam Sandler movies including my absolute favorite as the gay shop owner in “I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry,” leading me to believe that he may be buddies with Adam Sandler who made my honorable mention list since I find him hilarious and a surprisingly good actor. Dave may have made my absolute #1 if he could bring Adam Sandler and would be willing to play at my wedding since he currently holds the place as the author of my wedding song, but for now he is a strong #2.
KSquizz says "I used to love Dave. Our love has died out, but I agree that he would be a pretty sweet bar buddy. He'd def close down the place with you."
Smurftastic says "I'm not the worlds biggest fan, but I'd def hang out w/ him. Solid pick."
Smurfastic picks Neil Patrick Harris. OK. I am a terrible person. I totally forgot him when I was making this list (sorry Tina Fey, that gets you the boot). My obsession with NPH has been well documented on this here blog. Even if he's nothing like Barney Stinson, before I even started watching How I Met Your Mother, I knew NPH's awesomeness was a force to be reckoned with, thanks to a little movie called Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. I legitimately had a dream that Harold and Kumar 2 was a two-part movie, and the second part was ENTIRELY about NPH. I was sad when I woke up. I think NPH is super funny, super down-to-earth, and very self deprecating. He's PERFECT. Also, one of my life goals is to have a gay best friend... NPH is the man against whom all other gay BFFs will be measured. Since he's a last minute addition, comments are to the realization that I skipped him...
KSquizz says "I was super surprised not to see him on your list. He almost made mine."
CaliCoop says "i was amazed you did not, although I didn't think of it until reading KSquizz's"
KSquizz picks Jack Nicholson - Jack may be the coolest man on Earth. He has been famous forever. He has all this attitude and confidence without trying coming off as an asshole. He is unapologetic about everything in his life, and you have to laugh it off and say that is just Jack.
I especially love him because he is a Jersey boy. One of my favorite stories about him is that he went to his high school reunion in Long Branch. Because why not? I love that he is a rabid sports fan, and a Yankees guy. He is also unbelievably interesting. He found out when he was like an adult man that his much older sister was actually his mom. He has been linked to a million famous women in Hollywood. He is one of the best and most decorated actors of all time. And he is
the only person in the world who doesn’t look like a total tool when he wears sunglasses inside.
Smurftastic says "He'd be awesome to hang with, but I get the vibe that he's kind of a dick. That's not necessarily a problem for me (see also, Bode Miller)"
CaliCoop says "My Gentleman Caller suggested Jack for my list as well and I didn't include him, although after reading all this I'm glad someone did and it certainly fits you best with him being from Jersey and all. Had no idea about his sister/mom thing, although I find that kinda awesome. I'm afraid I'd run out of intelligent things to say to him too quickly but definitely agree he's the coolest."
CaliCoop picks Lou Piniella – last but certainly not least my best buddy “Sweet Lou.” I find Lou’s tantrums hilarious and awesome. He has changed my expectations of baseball managers for all time, and has led me to be completely bored and underwhelmed by managers who just sit quietly

in the dugout. Manager of my favorite baseball team, the Seattle Mariners, from 1993 to 2002 he filled my heart with happiness for 10 great seasons including the highlight of the Mariners history the record tying 116 win season in 2001. Currently #4 on the list of most ejected managers of all-time, his hat throwing, dirt-kicking hysterics are the best thing ever. My ideal day with “Sweet Lou” would include a few lessons in throwing temper-tantrums, competitive base throwing, random cursing and an overall growth of my baseball knowledge (yippee!!).
KSquizz says " I love it! I pray for the day when Sweet Lou comes home to manage the Yankees. (I love Girardi, but it's Lou!) I would love to hear all his stories and get him going on some drunken tirade. Great Pick!"
Smurftastic says "Again, baseball. Whatever. Though if he's a belligerent old sporting man, I'm clearly down."
Smurftastic picks George Clooney – I judge anyone who doesn’t want to hang out with Clooney, to be honest. This dude is smart, funny, loyal, and a true guy’s guy. Plus I’ve heard he’s a total prankster, and I would have buckets of fun trying to pull crap on his friends. In my head, any night with Clooney would end up with me behaving similarly to Danny DeVito on The View after too many lemoncellos, and I’m excited about the possibilities. My true “getting famous” dream is that I will be hired as a consultant on a Clooney movie about people in my line of work, and then they’ll realize that I’m the perfect choice to play me. I’ll be the rogue Academy Award nominee but then not really want to become an actress, I’ll go back to my work, and only take parts if they are awesome. Side benefit of that, Clooney and I become super close friends and start hanging out at sports bars. Everyone things we’re dating, but we really and truly are not… I’m just the newest addition to his group of friends… just one of the boys (clearly I've spent too much time thinking about this... but that's how much I want to hang out with Clooney).
CaliCoop says "slightly concerned I wouldn't live up to his standards and he'd throw me to the wayside but otherwise extremely solid pick. Also, gives you the possibility of extremely awesome hangout locations not usually available to those of our class."
KSquizz says "I obviously am wildly pro Clooney. See my #5 for reasons."
Thanks for stickin' with us through such a long post. Have a great Thanksgiving... your picks in the comments...