Due to my lack of cable, I had NO IDEA that a new season of The Gauntlet was upon us. This is the most exciting news I've heard in months. Thankfully, my loyal cousin took the time to provide a brief re-cap of the this first episode. There will be many more of these to come......
My thoughts, in order as the show progressed…
1) Wes and Johanna are still together? Amazing.
2) Nothin like roaches in the beds.
3) Brooke is now a lesbian?
4) Ev is a lesbian too!?
5) Followup to my last thought: not surprised.
6) Lots of hookups here…should make for some horrendous team chemistry…EXCELLENT.
7) Casey is a whore.
8) Rookies are quite the cocky bunch.
9) Looks like a hell of a veterans crew.
10 Who the hell wants a Zune? Digging deep into the shitty prize bin.
11) Tyree and Derek are the only chance the Rooks have.
12) ‘Bout halfway through here and Ev’s testosterone is FLOWING.
13) Just realized something: Angel (Rookie) looks a lot like Ashley from Fresh Prince.
14) Somehow I just have a feeling that Evelyn loves being tackled in the mud by the rookie girls.
15) CT has A LOT of hair.
16) Is Derek the next Wes?
17) Rookies lose…but they actually made a game out of it.
18) Casey is still a whore.
19) Nehamiah may be more of an asset for the Rooks than I thought.
20) Robin looks more cracked out each challenge.
21) Katie apparently thinks she’s here to play…I laugh at this considering her previous track record.
22) Break out the LIQUOR!
23) CT flushing himself down the toilet.
24) CT is waaaaay too into this.
25) CT to Diem: “Doin my time with?”…ouch
Soooo I DID watch the Gauntlet, and here are my preliminary thoughts.
1) Challenges seem emptier without Timmy, the Miz, Derrick (from Chicago) and Alton
2) Robin DEFINITELY got a nose job. Believe me. I did a picture comparison.
3) Coral, while definitely scary, is someone I'd want to have on my good side. Katie, on the other hanbd... stay the F away from me. White trash + angry + drunk = NOT A GOOD TIME
4) Fully appreciate the fact that the bios on MTV.com mock Casey for getting a boob job with her previous winnings.
5) Danny and Melinda make me want to kill people. Namely Melinda.
6) Scrawny Adam from the vets needs to go. I HATE that guy.
7) CT, whilst a douchey boyfriend, is awesome. Diem just didn't know what she was getting herself into.
8) IMDB informs me that Beth was born in 1969. Meaning she is 39 years old. I think she needs to find some sort of new activity to fufill her life. Probably getting more chemical peels is NOT a good idea. Bitch is ROSEY.
9) Brooke = crazy. We knew that already. Brooke's chin = freaks me out. Brooke as a lesbian = yeah, we'll see how long that lasts seeing as she already said she likes penises in the 1st episode, though she is already befriending gay Tyler... fun to watch... until Coral and/or Katie stabs her in her sleep.
10) Tyler is wearing a very low cut V-neck shirt in the opening segment... awesome.
11) Timmy should be brought back as host. TJ Lavin is worthless.
OH and - best news yet:
FRANK is a contestant! I. Love. Frank.
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