Because of my love of all things pop culture, entertainment, countdown and judgment related, I of course tuned in. And, I must say, I agreed with the countdowns... for the most part. I'm not going to lie, though, some movies were GLARINGLY absent from their respective categories... and the choice of categories itself is a little weird.
So here, my friends, are my comments on the lists, including which movies should have been higher, which should have been left off, and which prompted me to scream at the TV "What the eff!?!?! Why isn't XYZ on the list?!?!? LAME." Pretty much those exact words too. It was fun. In addition, I will be providing you with my personal picks for said categories, and mini-lists for genres which weren't included in the Top 10. Your agreements and gratuitous praise (as well as disagreements) are welcomed in the comments.
Category 1: ANIMATION
My first issue with this movie is... shouldn't it be "Dwarves?"
I completely understand why this movie made the number 1 spot, as it was the first full length animated feature, Walt Disney's entrance into our lives (and thus near complete domination of this category) yada yada yada... but I'm not a fan. There. I said it. I like the story... but MY GOD the voice of Snow White was SO high pitched it makes me want to cut my ears off, Van Gogh style. It ruined the whole movie for me.
As the countdown started with #10, Finding Nemo, my first thought was "I will stab someone if they have Finding Nemo on this list but not Toy Story." That thought was echoed, but more passionately so, when Shrek came in at #8. Now I enjoyed Finding Nemo enough... but Shrek, not gonna lie... thought it was overrated. It was entertaining, but I didn't appreciate the more adult jokes thinly masked in a child's story... at least in Disney movies, it was less obvious. I just don't understand why the world goes apeshit for Shrek movies.
Finally, Toy Story makes it in at number 6. Fitting that it outranks both the other "Pixar-style" movies, because it was the first of it's kind. Plus, it's AWESOME. Tom Hanks and Tim Allen make a great team... and I still to this day can be heard quoting from the movie ("you are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.") Awesome.
Lion King makes number 4, and I honestly think it should be higher. Cinderella & Fantasia should also be higher. Movies which should have beeen lower but still on the list = Pinocchio, Bambi (too damn sad... but Thumper is awesome).
Movies not on the list that should be - Peter Pan, Aladdin.
One of my favorite animated movies that shouldn't be on the list but is awesome = The Emperor's New Groove.
Winning Movie: CITY LIGHTS
Well. Um. Nothing to say about this movie cause I've never heard of it. I don't even think there was speaking. And sorry, but Charlie Chaplin, while inarguably talented, is not a leading man for a romantic comedy. Based on it's high ranking and what people said about it, it should probably still be on the list, but not number 1.
Movies which should have been higher - When Harry Met Sally. Not for the orgasm scene (that makes me uncomfortable)... but that is one of the best movies (not just romantic comedies) of all time. I think what makes a great romantic comedy is that it appeals to both men and women, and many men I know happen to really like this movie. I'm not sure WHMS should beat out Annie Hall, but I haven't seen Annie Hall (though I really want to).
I'm not entirely sure Sleepless in Seattle should be on the list (and before you flip out, let me explain why). I watched it 5 days ago on TV, cause I couldn't remember if I'd ever seen it all the way through. It's good. But it's not really a romantic COMEDY... something about a guy in a deep depression because his wife dies doesn't scream comedy. This movie should def be on some sort of Top 10, but we'll get to that later.
Movies which should DEFINITELY have been on the list and weren't: Pretty Woman, Love Actually. Everyone has seen Pretty Woman, so I'll only say this... if a movie is responsible for bringing to light one of (if not THE) greatest romantic comedy leading lady of all time... it needs to be on the list. If you haven't seen Love Actually, definitely watch it. It is one of those gems that appeals to both men (hello boob shots) and women. It's heartwarming, dramatic, but still makes you laugh out loud in parts. Plus the multiple stories keep things interesting. And British accents. Those are key.
Movies that would be on MY top 10 list, but probably needn't be on the official one: Two Weeks Notice, One Fine Day, the Cutting Edge.
Category #3: WESTERN
I in no way care about westerns and have seen zero of these movies. Though there is a western movie I could handle (American Outlaws) which featured Colin Farrell. Moving swiftly on.
Category #4: SPORTS
OK... I liked Raging Bull... but as a sports movie enthusiast, I'm not sure it should be the number 1 sports movie of all time. Should DEFINITELY be on the list... it was a great film... but that's a lot of boxing and drama and black and white. I think it should be in the 4 spot instead of Hoosiers, and Rocky or my WTF movie (see below) should be #1.
Pride of the Yankees at #3 is a solid move. Haven't seen the movie, hate the Yankees, and couldn't care less about baseball, but it's supposed to be awesome. I actually want to see it. There's a 95% chance that I will cry, and I like that in a sports movie.
Why on earth was Breaking Away on the list? A) I've never heard of it. B) It's about bike racing. Ok think about it. Bike racing. Who wants to see that? LAME. On that note, The Hustler probably shouldn't be on the list. I LOVE Paul Newman, but billiards is not a sport. Along the same line... peace out, National Velvet. Horse racing is lame. And sports movies shouldn't star girls (except A League of Their Own, which wasn't on the list... but should have been).
Good call on Jerry Maguire at #10. It's one of my favorite movies of all time... but it's not good enough to be higher on the list.
Ok. Now for the biggest "What the eff" moment of this entire countdown. You know what WAS NOT on the list? Wait for it. You'll be offended. Rudy. Effing RUDY, not on a list of the greatest sports movies of all time? Yet a movie about BIKING makes it? SERIOUSLY? This is one of the biggest countdown-related travesties of all time. Rudy deserves the number 1 or 2 spot, no question. I challenge any American male or female (who is not a complete waste of space) to watch that movie and not at least agree it should be Top 5. IT'S RUDY. If AFI didn't provide me with so much countdown related fun, I would tell them to die in a fire for this omission.
I was also offended that Field of Dreams wasn't on the list, but we'll get to that shortly.
Other movies which could/should have been on the list: The Mighty Ducks, Remember the
Titans, Miracle, The Sandlot (I'm not a huge Sandlot fan, but most people I know love that movie like I love Mighty Ducks, so I respect that.)

Movies that I love which shouldn't be on the list: Rookie of the Year, Little Giants, D3: The Mighty Ducks. Coach Gordon Bombay is god.
Category #5: MYSTERY
I have seen zero of these movies. Moving on.
Category #6: FANTASY
Undisputed that this should be the number one. If you disagree, please tell me what movie you think should be higher, so that I can call you an idiot with more specific arguments to back it up rather than just punching you in the face.
Number 2 is the first Lord of the Rings movie. I understand that this is the first one, but Return of the King was SO MUCH BETTER. They were all good, and this is from a Harry Potter purist who only saw the first two because that's what people in her dorm were doing. I don't think any of the LOTR movies should be as high as #2, though.
It's a Wonderful Life should be #2 instead of 3, but it also could be in a different category, which will be discussed later.
Field of Dreams is included on this list... which is a solid move as it is both Fantasy and Sports. There are so many good sports movies that it works to move it here.
Movies which shouldn't be on the list: King Kong, The Thief of Bagdad. I know King Kong was a marvel of it's time, but man it looks hokey and lame. And the clips of Thief of Bagdad looked RIDICULOUS.
Big should have been higher. That is a phenomenal film, and a great starmaker for Tom Hanks.
Movies which should have been included: Hook, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Liar Liar
Winner: 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY
Wow... it's 7 years after when the "future" was supposed to be. I'm old.
I don't really care about Science Fiction movies, but I totally agree with Star Wars (original) on the list at #2, though I do like Return of the Jedi and Empire Strikes Back better.
ET should totally be on the list, but I must say, I'm not a fan. Never got into it. It was scary and sad when I was a kid, and I guess I never grew out of it. Though Reeses Pieces are delish.
Back to the Future should be ranked MUCH higher. Marty McFly can't be beat.
Category #8: GANGSTER
Never seen it, but it's definitely on my list.
I like Goodfellas at #2, mainly because I've actually seen it and liked it. I'm not a huge fan of gangster movies and haven't seen many of them. I need to see all the Godfathers first... but I'm just not sure I can dedicate that kind of time.
Movie I love that shouldn't be on the list: Dick Tracy
Definitely on my list of movies to see. I totally agree with this call.
A Few Good Men should be higher on the list, because the cast is phenomenal, the plot is great, and the courtroom scenes are second to none. In my trial prep class, my teacher brought it in as an example of the ideal way to cross examine. This is one of those movies that if it is on TV, I will watch it, even if I was already watching something else, despite the fact that I've seen it at least 20 times. It's SO GOOD. Plus quotable, which I totally support. Plus it's the only one of this list I've seen, and I'm in law school.
Category #10: EPIC
This a great list, and probably the one I have the least amount of problems with. I think that Gone With the Wind (at number 4) should be moved up to the 1 or 2 spot... but otherwise, no significant problems. Gone With the Wind is AWESOME (beautiful scenery, great story, overdramatic, THE COSTUMES, quotable, and hot guy... what more do you want?)... and the movies on the list I haven't seen, I definitely want to. Epic movies are what make going to the movies so much fun. I would be intrigued to see how "Epic" is officially defined, but other than that... solid effort AFI. Almost make up for not having Rudy on the sports list, but not quite.
One movie which probably should have been included... but I don't know what it would replace = Forrest Gump
Why weren't these categories?
I noticed that there were some pretty broad categories left off the list, which leads to great movies being left off, simply because they don't fit. Plus a lot of the categories were SUPER specific. So here are mini lists of the categories they DIDN'T have, and what movies should have been included:
Die Hard
The Fugitive (one of those that I watch WHENEVER it's on, no matter what)
James Bond (Casino Royale, Dr. No, most of the ones with Roger Moore)
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Mission: Impossible 2
Air Force One (so I have a thing for Harrison Ford, so sue me)
Romance: - I find pure romance movies to be pretty lame, but they are quite separate from romantic comedies... so here's what I would assume should be included
Undisputed #1 - Casablanca - seriously... how was it NOT one of the 100 movies on the above list? That, my friends, is why their categories were messed up. Casablanca isn't just one of the best romances of all time, it's one of the best movies of all time.
Sleepless in Seattle
Brokeback Mountain
The American President
The ones I haven't seen which would probably end up on the list:
An Affair to Remember
Love Story - I have zero desire to see this.
The Notebook - I refuse to see this movie. I don't care how good everyone says it is. Just the thought of it makes me want to vomit. And I really enjoy both of the leads (Gosling in Remember the Titans was amazing). But NOT seeing it.
Old School
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Wayne's World
Billy Madison
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Three Men & a Baby
Father of the Bride
American Pie
Big Daddy
Casablanca (if not included on general romance)
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (man, Jimmy Stewart was AWESOME)
Forrest Gump (if not an epic)
Goodwill Hunting
American History X
I am Sam
Cast Away
Cool Hand Luke (Newman = great)
Finding Neverland
Ones I haven't seen which would probably end up on the list:
Shawshank Redemption
Citizen Kane
Grapes of Wrath
Holiday: - check out explanations here -
It's a Wonderful Life
A Christmas Story
White Christmas
Miracle on 34th Street
All I want for Christmas
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Home Alone
Kids' movies (non animated, non sports)
Now & Then
Camp Nowhere
The Goonies
Stand by Me
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Musicals (non animated)
The Sound of Music
Phantom of the Opera
Across the Universe
Hairspray (2007)
Fiddler on the Roof (just kidding, that movie and musical BLOW)
Wizard of Oz
Mary Poppins
Ones I haven't seen that should probably end up on the list:
My Fair Lady
A Hard Days Night
Sorry this post was so long, but I hope you enjoyed it! Comments are welcome and encouraged!
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