It’s time for the hometown dates, loyal readers. We have Noelle, Shayne, Meeps and Chelsea getting to bring our handsome bachelor home. We’ll start out with our reactions to the previews of the episode.
Jeflow1 (10:03:16 PM): well hello
Smurftastic (10:03:27 PM): LORENZO!
DJvictoriousT (10:03:29 PM): yes!!!!!
Smurftastic (10:03:40 PM): he is rather squinty
Smurftastic (10:04:05 PM): OMG MOM LIP KISSING!?!?!?!?!?!?
Smurftastic (10:04:10 PM): mrs meeps!
DJvictoriousT (10:04:26 PM): i'm guessing that chelsea's mom is another crazy one.... like into astrology
Now it’s time to Shayne’s hometown date, where we start off having a quick meal of wine and cheese w/ Lorenzo Lamas, then go to her mom’s house to have pot roast w/ mom and sister.
DJvictoriousT (10:04:38 PM): LAMAS!!!!!!
Smurftastic (10:04:42 PM): what does this tell us about the episode that they are STARTING w/ lamas?
DJvictoriousT (10:04:46 PM): Welcome to the Z-list Matt
Smurftastic (10:05:17 PM): please join me for some cheese? seriously?
DJvictoriousT (10:05:33 PM): I just saw her weave stitching
DJvictoriousT (10:05:53 PM): oh - i;m sorry, the white girls call them "extensions"
Jeflow1 (10:06:07 PM): aged
Jeflow1 (10:08:04 PM): what's up with the f*cked up uneven nostrils
Jeflow1 (10:08:12 PM): on shayne
DJvictoriousT (10:08:19 PM): is matt crying?
DJvictoriousT (10:08:23 PM): i would be....
Smurftastic (10:08:28 PM): lorenzo plays mind games
DJvictoriousT (10:09:15 PM): do you get the impression that lamas is kind of pissed that his daughter is getting more camera time than he is right now?
DJvictoriousT (10:09:26 PM): woah - those nostrils are weird!
DJvictoriousT (10:09:29 PM): what is that?!
Smurftastic (10:09:38 PM): nose job?
Smurftastic (10:09:46 PM): missy piggy?
DJvictoriousT (10:10:00 PM): shayne does kind of resemble miss piggy
DJvictoriousT (10:10:58 PM): and shayne's mom looks like Janice from the Muppets
Smurftastic (10:10:59 PM): shayne, your mom... WOOF
DJvictoriousT (10:11:03 PM): they're a whole Muppet family
DJvictoriousT (10:15:29 PM): WHAT is THAT?
Smurftastic (10:15:50 PM): OH MY GOD
Jeflow1 (10:16:13 PM): shaynes out
Jeflow1 (10:16:25 PM): you think
Smurftastic (10:16:26 PM): nice fake boobies, mrs. shayne
Smurftastic (10:16:40 PM): oh no i'm sorry, those are your lips
DJvictoriousT (10:17:05 PM): that seriously is Janice from the Muppets
Jeflow1 (10:17:24 PM): why do think lorenzo left her
Jeflow1 (10:17:36 PM): he screwed up
Smurftastic (10:17:42 PM): he went plastic surgery broke
Smurftastic (10:18:04 PM): OH good - mom showing how flexible she is
DJvictoriousT (10:18:20 PM): (10:19:18 PM): That's a bit of a Muppet mess if Janice ends up being Miss Piggy's mother
Jeflow1 (10:19:22 PM): i can't wait to meet her grand pap and great uncle
Jeflow1 (10:19:31 PM): their up in the balcony
Smurftastic (10:19:35 PM): holy lipliner batman
DJvictoriousT (10:19:51 PM): he is REALLY into Shayne
Smurftastic (10:19:54 PM): on google image search for "janice the muppets" the last picture on the first page is of new york from I Love New York
Jeflow1 (10:20:08 PM): there was nothing brilliant going on in that house
Smurftastic (10:20:12 PM): shaynes mom is like hte same sort of deal as hot chicks with fat friends
Smurftastic (10:20:23 PM): everyone looks better in comparison
Smurftastic (10:21:33 PM): i realize that is incredibly shallow... but seriously, that is the only explanation i have for why he's SO attracted to shayne after that visit

Now we go see Chelsea somewhere where it snows. I forget where, and I don’t really care. At the end of the date there is making out, obvi, cause we must recall that Chelsea had the homemade fantasy suite card last week.
Jeflow1 (10:25:29 PM): a little cold for all that cleavage
DJvictoriousT (10:26:56 PM): i don't understand her father's haircut
DJvictoriousT (10:27:00 PM): or mustache
Smurftastic (10:28:16 PM): her blush is pretty intense
DJvictoriousT (10:28:48 PM): matt needs to consider the fact that when chelsea ages she will most likely look like her mother...normal....when shayne ages, she will also look like her mother. enough said.
Jeflow1 (10:29:03 PM): good point
Jeflow1 (10:29:39 PM): when the good bye was the best part of the date
Now Noelle’s date. We meet mom, dad and sister… on their ranch. Matt and Noelle go on a horseback ride before meeting the parentals. Her dad mentions that they look like the “Last Supper”… OK….
DJvictoriousT (10:30:05 PM): I forgot who Noelle was. She's gone.
Jeflow1 (10:30:17 PM): great another bitter can't find a man sister
Smurftastic (10:34:00 PM): ummmm covered wagon in the front yard?
Smurftastic (10:34:12 PM): is that like the cowboy version of the frat boy couch on the lawn?
DJvictoriousT (10:34:43 PM): that looks dangerous - kissing while riding 2 horses
Jeflow1 (10:35:12 PM): get some pictures this could be the last you see him photographer girl
Jeflow1 (10:36:29 PM): and kisses better than grand pa too!!!
DJvictoriousT (10:37:25 PM): i feel uncomfortable
Smurftastic (10:37:46 PM): i don't think that at the last supper jesus mentioned he could get his legs over his head
Smurftastic (10:37:50 PM): i could be mistaken
Smurftastic (10:39:22 PM): ok i'm over the ranch
Smurftastic (10:39:26 PM): i want horny mom
Jeflow1 (10:39:40 PM): we all do
DJvictoriousT (10:39:35 PM): i know - give us the good stuff
Now we finally get the good stuff when we get to meet Meeps’ parents. The previews show her mom trying to make out w/ Matt and grabbing his nipples. Then Meeps’ dad sees and gets pissed off. We are excited. Oh but wait, Meeps reveals that she wanted to play a prank on Matt and hired actors to be douchey parents. Matt immediately freaks out and starts drinking. Matt still gets to have dinner with her real parents, then Meeps brings him up to her room for makeout party.
DJvictoriousT (10:40:46 PM): she hired actors?!!!!
Jeflow1 (10:40:49 PM): actors damn
Smurftastic (10:40:49 PM): ACTORS
Smurftastic (10:40:50 PM): LAME
Smurftastic (10:45:51 PM): OH MY GOD
Smurftastic (10:46:20 PM): and i would be reacting the same way as matt = drinking excessively
DJvictoriousT (10:46:25 PM): this prank is a little in poor taste
Smurftastic (10:47:02 PM): COUGAR
Smurftastic (10:47:45 PM): so will they not get to meet real parents/
DJvictoriousT (10:47:58 PM): there's only 10 minutes left....
Smurftastic (10:48:02 PM): EW EW EW EW
DJvictoriousT (10:48:08 PM): he just said nipple
Smurftastic (10:48:14 PM): i just puked in my mouth a little
Smurftastic (10:48:32 PM): so. awkward.
Smurftastic (10:49:25 PM): FAKE DAD TRIPS DOWN THE STAIRS
Now it’s time for the rose ceremony cocktail party. Noelle is sent home. She thinks it’s because she can’t open up
DJvictoriousT (10:50:51 PM): who goes?
DJvictoriousT (10:50:53 PM): i say noelle
Smurftastic (10:51:04 PM): i think chelsea
Jeflow1 (10:51:13 PM): caron agrees with noelle
Jeflow1 (10:51:49 PM): i'm going with meeps
Jeflow1 (10:53:50 PM): matt should get even with a fake rose
Jeflow1 (10:53:14 PM): shayne's a mess
DJvictoriousT (10:54:05 PM): good call
Smurftastic (10:54:31 PM): yes! meeps!
Smurftastic (10:54:36 PM): preseason MVP
Smurftastic (10:55:28 PM): DJ Vic = victorious
DJvictoriousT (10:55:36 PM): as usual
Smurftastic (10:55:48 PM): i think it was casue Noelle was dressed the least slutty
Jeflow1 (10:56:11 PM): the sisters screwed her
Smurftastic (10:57:22 PM): so far handling it maturely
Smurftastic (10:57:24 PM): ish
DJvictoriousT (10:57:41 PM): i don't think she was totally into it
Smurftastic (10:57:47 PM): i concur
Previews of next week – vacation date to Barbados. Things are promised to get sexy before Matt eventually picks a gal and then proposes.
DJvictoriousT (10:58:45 PM): "get sexy"
DJvictoriousT (10:58:57 PM): chelsea is out