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Monday, December 28, 2009

Catchiest Songs of 2009 via Festival Crashers

In honor of me apparently kicking everyone's ass in a random "Catchiest Songs of 2009" bracket, I'd like to post a link for you to vote in the final four of said contest, on, if you feel you want to.

In addition, sometime this week I will be posting a blog of my favorite songs of 2009, and possibly, if I'm super ambitious and inspired, the best songs of the decade. Let me know if you have requests to be featured. And to the Festival Crasher guys who think I came out of nowhere, yeah I probably did. But I don't win contests about terrible yet addicting pop music for my knowledge of indie bands, so there ya go.

Hint: If Party in the USA wins, I win a prize pack of music I've never heard of in my life. Vote and be nice to me, and maybe I'll give you some.

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