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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

P.C.D. Finale

I was planning on a full post/re-cap of "The Search for the Next Pussycat Doll" Season Finale. But in true DJ Victorious fashion I passed out on the couch at 8:30 and the next time I opened my eyes I was truly startled to see that *spoiler alert* ....................Asia had been crowned the next PCD!

Really? Asia of the annoying microphone finger flutter and body of a 13-year-old athletic boy + fake boobs? I'm not convinced. Maybe I have to the see the rest of the episode to understand.

Actually, I'm not even sure I need to see the rest of the episode because the final 2 minutes provided one of the best reality television quotes I've heard in awhile. Asia is overwhelmed by the moment and can't wait to see her mom, and she can't wait to see her daughter and to tell her daughter that "her mom's a ...[brief pause/hesitation]... her mom's a performer, entertainer!"

No Asia, Jr., your mother is now a PUSSYCAT DOLL. Good luck on the playground kid.

The closing sequence is of Asia dancing and "singing" on stage with the Original Dolls to their hit song "Don't Cha". Two things come to mind: 1) I'm still pissed at Cee-Lo for torturing the world with this track and creating another one of his superhuman beats; and 2) I don't think they ever told us why we were searching for a Pussycat Doll in the first place.

Does anyone know why the world needed ONE more P.C.D.? My guesses. The 7th PCD was necessary in order to achieve the perfect harmony/melody combination through which to expertly exercise mind-control over the radio-listening community. Or, more likely, one of the Original Dolls is pregnant with Robin Antin's child and they needed to "take care of her" while milking the most economic value out of the situation.

Maybe I'll get around to watching the whole episode later. Back to my nap....


Rooney said...


Melissa R was clearly more deserving. They totally gave that crown to Asia because she's already crapped out a fuck trophy and it makes for a more intriguing story line. Total bullshit. Whatever, she's hot.

Smurftastic said...

Asia. Really? Even though DJ Victorious' spoiler told me who was going to win, as I watched the episode, my heart kept saying, "no, no, no. Asia is the least vocally talented of them all." Chelsea (Smurftastic personal fave) has a better voice than Nicole Runs-on-treadmill-with-heels, and dancing ability is decent enough to do the pretend dancing that Nicole does anyway. If looks are the issue, Melissa is BY FAR the prettiest of them all (even though Chelsea still wins cause she used to be fat). So, no, I don't understand how Asia won. PS - if doing it for your baby means that you get to see her even less, congratulations?? Hope to see you on Maury for a paternity test one day.

Also, kind of a slap in the face for the winner that they didn't let her sing one solo line in the entire finale performance w/ the real Pussycat Dolls. BURN.